現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件


アウトランダー(ジルー) 吹奏楽譜


商品番号 UN1253

グレード 6

演奏時間 7分20秒

出版社 Musica Propria


¥29,673税込 ¥35,750税込
作曲者 Julie Giroux(ジュリー・ジルー)
シリーズ 輸入オリジナル
編成概要 吹奏楽
解説 Outlander is a musical odyssey which explores emotions and states in the extreme; fear, total isolation, violence, pain, hope, relief and in the end, tears of joy. Full of textures and dynamic contrasts, this work is extremely descriptive with the help of extensive melodic percussion and piano parts. The percussion and piano pads create a wonderful pallet which at times is dark and foreboding, even primal. Other times it helps creates a melodic texture that is sadly beautiful. Outlander explores what it is to be both human and alien with an orchestration and form that is totally free style.
編成 1 - Piccolo
4 - Flute 1
4 - Flute 2
1 - Oboe 1
1 - Oboe 2
4 - B♭ Clarinet 1
4 - B♭ Clarinet 2
4 - B♭ Clarinet 3
2 - B♭ Bass Clarinet
1 - B♭ Contrabass Clarinet
1 - E♭ Contra Alto Clarinet
1 - Bassoon 1
1 - Bassoon 2
1 - Contrabassoon
2 - E♭ Alto Saxophone 1
2 - E♭ Alto Saxophone 2
2 - B♭ Tenor Saxophone
1 - E♭ Baritone Saxophone
3 - B♭ Trumpet 1
3 - B♭ Trumpet 2
3 - B♭ Trumpet 3
2 - F Horn 1&2
2 - F Horn 3&4
2 - Trombone 1
2 - Trombone 2
2 - Trombone 3
2 - Bass Trombone
2 - Euphonium B. C.
2 - Euphonium T. C.
4 - Tuba
1 - Contrabass
1 - Piano
1 - Timpani
2 - Orchestra Bells, Chimes, Crotales
2 - Marimba
1 - Xylophone
1 - Vibraphone
4 - Auxiliary Percussion (Cabasa,
Congas, Crash Cymbals, Finger
Cymbals, Gong, Ride Cymbal,
Small Shaker, Suspended Cymbal,
3 - Snare Drum, Kick Bass Drum,
Bass Drum
