現在取扱い楽譜数:ロケット出版2,485件 輸入楽譜73,698件


はじめてのピアノ・シューベルト作品集(中級ピアノ) 《輸入ピアノ楽譜》

First Book for Pianists

商品番号 PNC586

グレード 中級

出版社 Alfred


¥1,485税込 ¥1,650税込
作曲者 Franz Schubert(フランツ・シューベルト)
シリーズ ピアノ(クラシック)
編成概要 ピアノ
収録曲リスト Ecossaise [11 Ecossaises, No. 1]/Ecossaise [11 Ecossaises, No. 2]/Ecossaise [11 Ecossaises, No. 2]/Ecossaise [Op. 18, No. 2]/Ecossaise [Op. 18, No. 4]/Ecossaise [Op. 18, No. 6]/Ecossaise [Op. 33, No. 1]/Ecossaise [Op. 33, No. 2]/German Dance [Op. 33, No. 15]/German Dance [Op. 33, No. 2]/L ndler [17 L ndler, No. 13]/L ndler [17 L ndler, No. 4]/L ndler [17 L ndler, No. 6]/Menuet [20 Menuets, No. 8]/Menuet and Trio [20 Menuets, No. 18]/Menuet and Trio [20 Menuets, No. 5]/Waltz [Op. 127, No. 15]/Waltz [Op. 9, No. 12]/Waltz [Op. 9, No. 26]/Waltz [Op. 9, No. 4]
校訂者 Margery Halford
校訂者訳 マーガリー・ハルフォード
解説 The graceful and delicate pieces in this collection have been selected from the many dances Schubert composed for the piano. Thoroughly researched back to their original form, editor Margery Halford has included the composer’s notations and added her own comments either in footnotes or lighter print. For ease of reading, the engraving has been widely spaced. These 19 delightful pieces are presented as a lovely and informative introduction to Schubert for early-intermediate students.
編成 Piano
