作曲者 | Ludwig van Beethoven(ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェン) |
アーティスト | Scott Price(スコット・プライス) |
シリーズ | ピアノ(クラシック) |
編成概要 | ピアノ |
校訂者 | Willard A. Palmer |
校訂者訳 | ウィラード・A・パルマー |
解説 | This useful series, edited by Willard A. Palmer and others, features the easiest works of Beethoven. All selections are presented in their original, un-simplified form and are organized in progressive order of difficulty. It allows students to begin playing this music from authoritative editions at an early stage in their studies. Recording artist Scott Price is the chair of the Piano Department at the University of South Carolina and holds a doctorate in piano performance from the University of Oklahoma. He has given master classes and recitals throughout the United States and Southeast Asia. His recordings are featured in Alfred’s Premier Piano Course. |
編成 | Piano |