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先生と生徒のためのピアノ・デュエット集2(デュエットシリーズ) 《輸入ピアノ楽譜》

Easy Classical Piano Duets for Teacher and Student, Book 2

商品番号 PNC435

グレード 初級

出版社 Alfred


¥1,881税込 ¥2,090税込
シリーズ ピアノ(クラシック)
編成概要 ピアノ連弾
収録曲リスト Allegretto in C Major [Op. 149, No.5] (Anton Diabelli)/Allegretto in G Major [Op. 149, No. 9] 8Anton Diabelli)/Allegro [Op. 62, No. 10] (Hermann Berens)/Andante Cantabile [Op. 6, No. 3] (Heinrich Enke)/Andantino [Op. 211, No. 5] (Cornelius Gurlitt)/Galop [Op. 308, No. 4] (Ernesto Becucci)/Good Humor (Joseph L w)/March [Op. 211, No. 14] (Cornelius Gurlitt)/March! [Op. 53, No. 3] (Fran ois Grimaldi)/Merry-Go-Round (Arthur Foote)/Minuetto Sentimentale (Giuseppe Galluzzi)/Quite Contented (Arthur Foote)/Remembrance (Arthur Foote)/Romance [Op. 6, No. 1] (Heinrich Enke)/Scherzo (Joseph L w)/Waltz (Arthur Foote)/Waltz [Op. 62, No. 26] (Hermann Berens)
校訂者 G.Kowalchyk/E.L.Lancaster
校訂者訳 G.コワルフ/E.L.ランキャスター
解説 A valuable assortment of teacher/student duets in their original form written by teachers and composers during the 18th and 19th centuries. Arranged in order of difficulty, the student parts are limited to a single five-finger position and fall primarily within the grand staff reading range. Each book includes works by such composers as Diabelli, Gurlitt, Bercucci, Wohlfahrt, Berens, and others.
解説2 「Piano Duet」シリーズ....ピアノ連弾用にアレンジされた楽譜です。
編成 1 Piano 4 Hands
