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Shepherd’s Hey/Percy Aldridge Grainger(OD)(Score)

商品番号 WSC8070

出版社 Southern Music Co.

発送までの目安:4日 12日

¥2,475税込 ¥2,750税込
編曲者 Mark Rogers(マーク・ロジャース)
作曲者 Percy Grainger(パーシー・グレンジャー)
シリーズ 輸入吹奏楽(スコア)
編成概要 吹奏楽スコア
解説 This is a most welcome publication! This well known piece has long been available in an edition with only Grainger’s compressed score. This newly edited set of parts comes with a full score that directors will really appreciate. As for the music itself, let us just say that this delightful piece is such a major part of the foundation of the wind repertoire that it should be in every library!
解説2 《スコアのみの販売です》

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